It was a proud moment for us when the Honourable Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi Ji visited the AmbuPod display at the Indian Mobile Congress, at the Pragati Maidan, New Delhi on the 1st of Oct 2022. We had partnered with Airtel to showcase the 5G enabled AmbuPod Rural Healthcare System which would give village patients a seamless and almost life-like vitrual meeting with a doctor in the city during a telemedicine enabled consultation. In addition, thanks to 5G all kinds of sophisticated live examinations like endoscopic ENT exams, phonocardiograms, streaming of lung and heart sounds, dermatological exams, etc could be carried out by the remote doctor on the patient.

The capabilities of the AmbuPod were explained to the Prime Minister by the CTO of Airtel while the Director of AmbuPod stood by attentively to expand on any explanation or answer to the PM's questions, if any.


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The AmbuPod being showcased to the Prime Minister

An AmbuPod Walk-around